
Since my corporate departure, here's what I've been up to:
Teaching weekly Himalayan Kundalini Kriya classes in Phoenix (and now online), guiding 200/300 hour Yoga Teacher Trainings, teaching Meditation Initiation Weekends, guest teaching around the US, teaching at local & international yoga festivals, studying in India, & leading International Retreats to India, Italy & Bali.
My life here at the beach is quite magical, and almost seems unreal at times. I begin my day with sunrise meditation followed by a morning surf session, and fill my afternoons teaching meditation and giving Vedic Astrology readings, and end my day watching the sunset with my sweet Golden Retriever Lucca at beach. I've spent the last few years immersed in studying Jyotish Vedic Astrology. Receiving this wisdom from my teacher in India feels like the greatest honor of my life. Jyotish, in sanskrit means "science of light." The reading is based off the alignment of all the planets, constellations & stars ,and where they're positioned on the eastern horizon in the exact moment of your birth. It's an incredibly accurate window into your Soul's path; better understanding the past, seeing what's important in the present, and knowing what to prepare for in the future. I would be honored to give you a reading. Click here to learn more about my offerings.

Hi there! I'm currently enjoying life in Ocean Beach, San Diego California, recently moving here after residing in Phoenix Arizona for 25 years. I started surfing on an extended road trip up the coast of California in 2020, and never went home. The sacred pause that the pandemic offered, gave me the time and space needed to realize that living in Phoenix was no longer serving the highest good of my Soul's journey. So here I am, untethered and free and ready to serve and uplift.
I've had a tireless devotion for the practice of yoga for over 20 years, and I've been teaching for over a decade. The focus of my teachings have really shifted, and are now geared more towards offering Jyotish Vedic Astrology Readings, private meditation and kriya instruction, which are mostly taught virtually through Zoom.

During my corporate days, I worked in cardiology as a Market Development Manager for an Artificial Heart Pump. It was then, in 2013, that I traveled to India for the first time. I was a volunteer for a medical mission where we did cardiovascular screening for the Tibetan Refugees, and Tibetan Monks living high in the Himalayas in a village called Leh Ladakh. This trip set the tone for what would become the best, most rewarding adventure of my life. I fell in love with India and her relentless intensity, so I took the first opportunity I had to travel back, and this time it was to complete my advanced level 300 hour YTT. It was during this training that I had an awakening, by the third day, something in me shifted, and I immediately saw the world through a completely different lens. I knew after that experience, that it was my life's purpose to bring the sacred teachings forward to as many people as I could. It took a little time for the details to get sorted out, but in 2016, I took the leap and I walked away from my 16 year corporate career so I could live in alignment to my soul's true purpose.

I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to have traveled to India 12 times to study yoga with my teacher in RIshikesh. The past few years have been full of ups and downs finding my way as a Conscious Entrepreneur, but I know each and every experience is all part of my journey to help myself, and Others' find our way home.