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In these times when there is a great emphasis on the physical practices of Yoga, it's easy to forget that Yoga is an ancient science of Self-Mastery, connection and evolution.  Yoga is the spiritual inheritance of humanity as we all continue to ask the timeless question:  "Why are we here?" 

- Anand Mehrotra 


My unique curriculum blends together my 20 years experience as a yoga practitioner, my original 200 Hour YTT through AtOneYoga, many other trainings along the way, and almost 1200 hours of study in India with Anand Mehrotra, at the Sattva Yoga Academy.    The underlying theme, and foundation for my trainings, are rooted in the sacred teachings, history, and wisdom of the Sattva Himalayan Yoga-Vedantic Tradition.  My time studying and practicing in India has completely changed my life, and I've realized it's become my Soul's Purpose to bring these sacred teachings to life, and help others catch a glimpse of the immense healing I've experienced.  If you're looking for a training unlike any other training out there, you've come to the right place.  My trainings are sure to enliven something in your soul, and awaken something in your heart.  This training will offer you the tools to become a sincere and knowledgeable yoga teacher, but even more importantly, you'll walk away having the sacred tools to lead a life full of expansion, evolution, and liberation.  You can use this training to become a certified yoga teacher, as my program is certified through Yoga Alliance, or you can use this training as a conscious mentorship program, if you don't have a desire to teach.  

The Intention behind my Yoga Teacher Trainings is not only to honor the sacredness of yoga, but to also bring to life the ancient teachings in a modern, relevant way.  These teachings have withstood the test of time for thousands of years, so it’s very important to me to unveil these teachings from a deep place of reverence.  I have several guest teachers who I’m very proud to have as part of my curriculum.  


In this training:


  • You’ll learn the Sattva 5 step meditation, as well as receive a person Japa Mantra. 

  • You'll receive a Japa Mala hand-crafted in the Himalayas, and ceremoniously dipped in the Ganga River. 

  • You’ll learn the science behind neuroplasticity, and the brains brillant capacity to heal, change, and evolve. 

  • You’ll deepen your knowledge of Sanskrit (names of poses and counting).

  • You’ll understand the fundamental ideas from Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, and using the 8-Limb path of yoga as our moral compass.

  • You’ll learn the appropriate, safe, and anatomical alignment of the body in the foundational yoga postures to give you the knowledge to teach (and practice) in a safe manner.

  • You’ll learn sacred rituals to help enhance the devotional aspects of your practice.

  • You'll learn the Quadrant Method for creating a safe & intuitive Vinyasa class.

  • You'll learn about the sacred Sattva Himalayan Kundalini Kriya lineage.

  • You'll learn the business of yoga, using social media in a relevant way,  and how to become a Conscious Entrepreneur.

  • You'll learn about the Chakras and how to teach specific workshops around the energetic body.

  • You'll learn how to guide private yoga & meditation sessions.  

  • You'll receive free classes and large discounts on all workshops and retreats with Angie.


It’s very important to me as a teacher, and a leader in the community, to offer a safe place for people to come together and heal.  Community is an important aspect of of my trainings.  There's  an immense potential of your Soul's evolution that can occur through having a safe place to share, heal, and grow without judgment. 


From the words of my teacher Anand,

"If not now, When?"







  • $500 nonrefundable deposit (secures your space)

  • $3550 early bird rate (paid in full before April 5th)

  • $3950 base rate (paid in full by start of training)

  • $4250 for payment plan

  • *Optional India Immersion priced separately

  • No Refunds given after 1st day of training

May 30th, 2024 Guru Mantra
April 23rd, 2024
April 2nd, 2024
March 26th, 2024
Week 12



Sattva Yoga is unlike any other style of yoga out there, and is rooted in the rich Vedantic and Tantric traditions of the Himalayas, and the teachings integrate radical wisdom from the Kundalini and Kriya Yoga traditions.  Creating and experiencing a deeper experience of Love, is truly the foundation underlying ALL of the Sattva teachings and wisdom.  The Sattva teachings are a practical, systematic science that creates an experience that is meant to take the practitioner on an expansive journey inward.  A journey meant to bring the body, mind, and spirit into a balanced and aligned state of equanimity, which allows the practitioner to experience a glimpse of their individual truth.  The teachings are about being fierce and fearless, while being completely vulnerable and present to bliss.  Each Sattva journey  offers the experience of both stillness and movement, by blending and weaving together the techniques of Mantra, Pranayama, Kriya, Movement, Ecstatic Dance, Partner Work, and Meditation.  The practice feels so healing (and feels so different from a regular vinyasa class) because it’s actually creating a shift not only on a cellular level (changing cellular memory), but also re-wiring deep, conditioned grooves in the brain, creating neuroplasticity.  Neuroplasticity is the phenomenon when the brain creates new neural pathways, changes shape, and heals itself.  All of the elements of the class (breath, sound, kriya, movement) have a specific & desired outcome of healing of all the energetic layers of the body.  


Anand Mehrotra, the creator and Master Himalayan Yogi, has said that "Sattva" in Sanskrit,

means "those Souls longing to belong to the Truth."  If what you've read is enlivening something in your soul, maybe the Sattva teachings are for you. 







In these times when there is a great emphasis on the physical practices of Yoga, it's easy to forget that Yoga is an ancient science of Self-Mastery, connection and evolution.  Yoga is the spiritual inheritance of humanity as we all continue to ask the timeless question: 

"Why are we here?" 

- Anand Mehrotra 

  Both traditions use Pranayama (breath practices), Kriya techniques, and the chanting of Mantra to create an expansion of energy,  and that expansion of energy  has also been called Kundalini.  

In Sanskrit, the term Kundalini means "coiled one."  It's believed to be our divine Shakti energy located at the base of the spine, and the upward movement of that energy along the spine awakens and enlivens inherent wisdom and energy in the body.   


The "movement" of Kundalini energy has been referred to in the sacred yogic texts for thousands of years, but most people only know the term "Kundalini" as a style or form of yoga.  Yogi Bhajan created Kundalini yoga, and in 1969 he brought it to the West, and founded the Happy, Healthy Holy Organization (3HO).  Yogi Bhajan, and his Kundalini practitioners, follow many traditions  and technologies from the Sikh religion, and they chant in Gurmukhi, which is the language of the Sikh holy book The Guru Granth Sahib.  Kundalini practitioners often wear white clothing and white Turbans, also from the Sikh tradition.  Kriya is used only in specific Kriya sets, and Hatha practice isn't an important aspect for the Kundalini practitioners.   

 In Sattva yoga, we study Kriya Yoga from the Himalayan Yoga Vedantic Tradition from the Babaji lineage of Paramahansa Yogananda, and Anand Mehrotra.  Kriya yoga is evolutionary action that leads us to liberation, expansion, and evolution.  Each Kriya practice uses different techniques that are targeting specific areas of the brain and body.  We practice certain  Kriya techniques for a designated amount of time, which is designed to offer a specific desired  outcome of healing.  We use Kriyas to strengthen the intuition, for balancing the brain, for healing and releasing trauma, to calm the nervous system, and to activate and move Kundalini energy through the body.  We use the Kriya techniques as part of a journey, where we  intuitively blend and weave together kriya, mantra, pranayama, ecstatic dance, partner work, meditative movement & hatha movement.  Even though Kriya techniques are an important aspect of our experience, meditation is the foundational yoga practice in the Sattva tradition.  We practice a five wave meditation, which allows the practitioner to drop-in to a deeper state of Shunya (silence).  


Anand Mehrotra, the creator, and Master Himalayan Yogi, has said that

"Sattva" in Sanskrit,


"Those Souls longing to belong to the Truth."


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